新型冠狀病毒應對通知 (3月14日更新)
The Deacons' Board has been closely monitoring the development of COVID-19 in the U.S. and abroad. The increasing severity of the pandemic (especially in the last seven days) has raised the risk level for us as individuals, as families and as a body in Christ in the church. The Deacons' Board takes the spiritual and physical well being of our members seriously. We will continue to fulfill our responsibilities as citizens of this nation (Romans 13:1-7), and in the current environment to contribute to the mitigation of COVID-19.
Effective Friday (March 13), the following Chinese ministry activities will be cancelled until further notice:
- Prayer meetings (Sunday)
- Sunday School classes
- Choir practice in the main sanctuary
- Lunch service (Sunday)
- Bible Study (Friday nights)
- Evergreen Fellowship meetings
- Mandarin Fellowship meetings
- Unity Cantonese Fellowship meetings
- Joint Fellowship meetings
The Chinese worship service on March 15 (Sunday) will be held as usual. At the conclusion of that worship service, the Deacons' Board plans to share information on remote participation of worship services (e.g., recorded worship services and/or live streaming of worship services).
In addition, on March 22 (Sunday), the worship will be conducted online through YouTube streaming, until further notice. Streaming will start at the regular worship time (11:30 a.m.). Streaming can be accessed from the homepage of the church website by clicking the "主日聚會直播" button.
As shared before, we pray that this pandemic is an opportunity for every person to contemplate on life and death, and an opportunity to come to know eternal life. In causing well-being and creating calamity (Isaiah 45:7), blessed be the LORD.
We encourage the CCMC family to continue to pray and to support each other in this challenging time.
The Deacons' Board will continue to provide updates.
In Christ,
CCMC Deacons' Board.
執事會一直密切留意新型冠狀病毒在美國及國外的情況。疫情對我們個人,對家庭,及對我們以基督為首的教會的危險程度已經高昇,尤其是在過去的七天。執事會對大家的靈命和生命十分重視。我們亦當作負責任的社會公民 (羅馬書 13:1-7),在現時抗疫挑戰中作我們應當負的責任。
由本週五 (三月十三日) 起,以下中文部事工將會暫時停止,直至另行通知:
- 祈禱會 (主日)
- 主日學
- 詩班在大禮堂的練習
- 主日午餐
- 查經班 (週五)
- 長青團契
- 國語同行團契
- 粵語同心團契
- 聯合團契
三月十五日的主日崇拜將如常舉行。崇拜結束時,執事會將分享有關讓大家在家中參加主日崇拜的方式 (例如崇拜錄影視頻或直播)。
懇求神讓這次疫情成爲一個讓人思考死亡,認識永生的機會。無論是施平安,還是降災禍 (以賽亞書45:7),耶和華是應當稱頌的。
Effective Friday (March 13), the following Chinese ministry activities will be cancelled until further notice:
- Prayer meetings (Sunday)
- Sunday School classes
- Choir practice in the main sanctuary
- Lunch service (Sunday)
- Bible Study (Friday nights)
- Evergreen Fellowship meetings
- Mandarin Fellowship meetings
- Unity Cantonese Fellowship meetings
- Joint Fellowship meetings
The Chinese worship service on March 15 (Sunday) will be held as usual. At the conclusion of that worship service, the Deacons' Board plans to share information on remote participation of worship services (e.g., recorded worship services and/or live streaming of worship services).
In addition, on March 22 (Sunday), the worship will be conducted online through YouTube streaming, until further notice. Streaming will start at the regular worship time (11:30 a.m.). Streaming can be accessed from the homepage of the church website by clicking the "主日聚會直播" button.
As shared before, we pray that this pandemic is an opportunity for every person to contemplate on life and death, and an opportunity to come to know eternal life. In causing well-being and creating calamity (Isaiah 45:7), blessed be the LORD.
We encourage the CCMC family to continue to pray and to support each other in this challenging time.
The Deacons' Board will continue to provide updates.
In Christ,
CCMC Deacons' Board.
執事會一直密切留意新型冠狀病毒在美國及國外的情況。疫情對我們個人,對家庭,及對我們以基督為首的教會的危險程度已經高昇,尤其是在過去的七天。執事會對大家的靈命和生命十分重視。我們亦當作負責任的社會公民 (羅馬書 13:1-7),在現時抗疫挑戰中作我們應當負的責任。
由本週五 (三月十三日) 起,以下中文部事工將會暫時停止,直至另行通知:
- 祈禱會 (主日)
- 主日學
- 詩班在大禮堂的練習
- 主日午餐
- 查經班 (週五)
- 長青團契
- 國語同行團契
- 粵語同心團契
- 聯合團契
三月十五日的主日崇拜將如常舉行。崇拜結束時,執事會將分享有關讓大家在家中參加主日崇拜的方式 (例如崇拜錄影視頻或直播)。
懇求神讓這次疫情成爲一個讓人思考死亡,認識永生的機會。無論是施平安,還是降災禍 (以賽亞書45:7),耶和華是應當稱頌的。